Core Subscription: Bright Breaks Launch Guide

For Core Subscription Customers: How to launch Bright Breaks to the members of your organization

Note: this is for Core customers, enterprise customers will work with CS  to create a more robust and detailed launch plan.

Before you get started, ensure you've:

  • Booked a kick-off call with the Customer Success team and they've sent you the links to your Champion portal and your organization's Bright Breaks page. 
  • Created your own Bright Breaks account and taken live breaks and viewed on-demand content. Get a feel for how to invite others to breaks by adding them to your calendar and inviting them to the calendar event. 
  • Ensure Daily Break (calendar-suggested breaks) is working for you 
    • If using Outlook, have permissions for employees to connect their calendars for the Daily Break feature to work properly. An admin of Outlook at your org will need to take action. See required permissions here

1) Plan Components of Launch

Before sharing Bright Breaks with your org members or developing communications, determine what your launch will look like. This will help shape your communication plan. 

Best practices for launch include:

  • A pre-launch announcement letting org members know a new benefit is coming
  • Announcing the Bright Breaks partnership on a company-wide call or calls on or before launch day
  • Running a challenge or quest to engage org members, ideally within the first two weeks of launch. Templates can be found in the Challenges tab of your Champion Portal
  • Enable team leads and mangers to use Bright Breaks as a connection tool, such as inviting their team to join them on live breaks
  • Continue posting well-being content in internal channels every week to keep Bright Breaks top-of-mind, using our prepared promotional materials generated every month
  • Determine cadence of future challenges - this helps in keeping engagement elevated. A challenge at least once per quarter is recommended. 

2) Develop Communication Plan

Now that you have your launch plan in place, it's time to develop your copy and images and other assets to promote Bright Breaks. 

Here are resources you can use to develop your communication assets:

3) Launch Day

When launch day arrives:

  1. Send and/or post launch day announcement communication
  2. Add all organization members' email addresses to the Members tab of your champion portal. This:
    1. Sends an email invitation for create their account
    2. Keeps your Activity Tab metrics accurate
    3. For more information see Adding Org Members to Champion Portal
    4. Please ensure all of the domains your organization uses are included in the Access By Domain list in the Member Access section of your Members tab of the Champion Portal. If domains are missing, add them by clicking Manage Domain Access List and adding the domain(s). 

4. Continue with Launch Plan

Now that org members have access to Bright Breaks, follow through with the rest of your plan such as running a challenge, regular communications and engaging team leads and managers. 

Look out for the Champion Newsletter that is sent at the end of every month sharing new promotional resources to use!

Important Note: In order to successfully receive Champion Newsletters, please do not unsubscribe from all emails from Bright Breaks. Instead, manage your subscriptions and do not unsubscribe to Champion News or Adjust your email preferences directly in your Bright Breaks account in settings.

Should you have questions, please reach out to!