Have you been wanting to run a custom challenge for your team? Now you can.
Create a challenge directly in Bright Breaks so that you can reward your team for taking time for their well-being.
How many challenges or quests should I plan to run for my org?
- Organizations that run at least 4 challenges or quests per year on average see 224% higher engagement on the platform than organizations that run 0.
- Running 1 or 2 challenges or quests per year on average yields 38% and 138% higher engagement respectively.
- Aiming for 4 challenges or quests or more a year is ideal, but running at least two is strongly recommended to benefit from higher engagement levels.
Where can I get started?
Navigate to the "Challenges" tab of in the Champion Portal and click 'New Challenge'.
We've made updates!
See the video here:
Setting Up Internal Challenges: New Features Walkthrough - Watch Video

Here's how to set up a challenge or quest:
- Click 'Choose' on the template you want to use
- Take note of the 'Rules' at the top of the template, this will let you know the point system or quest requirements
- Set start and end dates for the challenge
- Edit the Title, Description, Prize Title and Prize Description fields
- Select if you would like it to be a team or individual challenge (quests are individual only)
- If team, select if random or manually assigned team
- If random, Bright Breaks members from your org will be assigned randomly and automatically if they have taken a break in the last 30 days or once they take their first break during the challenge
- If manually assigned, manage teams by naming teams and adding email addresses of those who you assign to each team
- Please ensure the email addresses are correct and the same email address they would use to log in with Bright Breaks
- Determine if you would like the challenge to be limited to the members of the teams only or not using the toggle at the top of the team management page. If the team challenge is not limited, other members of your organization will be able to participate and be added to a team randomly
- Please note, teams will not appear in the leaderboard until the challenge begins
- If individual, determine if you would like the challenge or quest to be open to all of your organization members or a select group
- Hit Publish when ready to go live.
- No automated messaging will be sent directly from Bright Breaks about your quest or challenge to your org members
- The challenge or quest leaderboard will be able to be previewed by your org members in their Challenges tab
How can I promote challenges and quests to my org?
- Click 'Promo' in the tile of the quest or challenge after a draft is saved or it is published
- Use the Canva template and dynamic scripts to create announcements for your organization
How can I see the results outside of the leaderboard?
Click 'Results' in the tile of the quest or challenge at any point after publishing.
A .csv will download with:
- Challenge Start Date
- Challenge End Date
- Participant Name
- Participant Email
- Participant Number of Breaks Taken
- Participant Number of Breaks Taken with a Teammate
- Participant Total Points
- Winner → this field is inactive today as we do not yet have the functionality in place to select internal challenge winners automatically. You are welcome to use it for your own purposes.
Other Functionality
- Editing/Deleting. Can be done before any participation is captured. Once someone participates, you can no longer edit or delete the challenge.
- Simultaneous challenges. You cannot run multiple internal challenges simultaneously. However, your challenge is independent from the existing weekly Bright Breaks Challenges, so your members will be able to participate in both.
Here’s what the challenge and quest feature doesn't do (yet):
- Let you customize the point system or quest requirements (the Rules section)
- Choose winners (you need to do this yourself based on the participation data)
- Do automated prize fulfillment
- Backfill points if you choose a challenge start date prior to today.